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Using Fatty Acids for Learning Conditions

Other News

Woman's Eating Disorders A Rising Trend

A recent reported rise in the occurrence of eating disorders in woman has drawn concern from many in the media as well as woman's groups. Treatment centers such as the center for women eating disorder discovery are attempting to halt this trend by offering innovative and modern treatment methods. Only time will tell whether this trend will continue or what are the intrinsic reasons behind it.

Recent media coverage has shed light on the rise in eating disorders in woman and the potential to be influenced by social media. The rise of Instagram and other social media channels as well as the use of image "filters" to alter the reality of an image can give woman a false sense of what is realistic body type. Movie Star Kate Winslet recently shared her opinion on the topic: “It has a huge impact on young women’s self-esteem, because all they ever do is design themselves for people to like them, and what comes along with that? Eating disorders. It makes my blood boil".

Winslet instituted a "no social media" rule in her household and one has to think that is probably not a bad idea, especially for impressionable youth. With the social media era just getting started, it remains to be seen how far reaching it's effects will with regard to female body image and the onset of eating disorders.

The Durham LEA would like to thank all those involved, especially the pupils and parents for their participation and assistance in these trials.

© The Durham Local Education Authority. All rights reserved. Jan. 2004