Durham Research
Using Fatty Acids for Learning Conditions

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Dietary Fiber Supplements Promote Weight Loss

Nutritionists conducted a new clinical study using glucomannan found in the dietary skinny fiber supplement and were surprised to discover that these pills resulted in weight loss of up to 5 pounds over the period of 6 weeks during the study. Glucomannan is a water-soluble fiber that acts like a sponge in the stomach. It expands in one’s stomach in the way a sponge might, causing the user to feel more full after taking the pills.

It works in combination with water to help the user manage their weight. These skinny fiber pills allow the person using them to feel more satiated after each meal resulting in a decrease in the amount of food they will eat throughout the day. By consuming less calories, a person will burn more calories than consumed. Therefore, weight loss is inevitable.

The creator of skinny fiber says that the pill uses the most innovative ingredients on the market to truly be a solution for long-term and long-lasting weight loss. However, in taking these pills, you cannot assume that you can eat whatever you like and still lose weight. You must eat all foods within moderation. Glucomannan and skinny fiber cause you to eat smaller portions at a time so that you take in less calories in at each meal. However, if you eat a plate of foods that are extremely high in calories or deep-fried such as a hamburger and fried potatoes, the pills won’t work as directed.

It is important to eat a diet full of healthy foods that are nutritious and filling. You can find fiber sources in healthy snacks and meals. For breakfast, you should always start the day with a high fiber item such as oatmeal or a few slices of whole wheat toast and bread. For snacks in between breakfast and lunch, you can opt for a snack such as a piece of fruit. Pears contain over 4 grams of fiber per item and this makes a great portable snack for on the go.

Remember to take your skinny fiber pills before each meal. You should be taking 4 pills each day in total. Two pills prior to lunch and two pills prior to dinner. Some side effects are common if you do not drink enough water so always make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you are a sports enthusiast and practice a lot of exercise, you should be even drinking more water to compensate. A great snack for a sports enthusiast that is packed with fiber would be a granola bar that is low in sugar. It should contain between 2-5 grams of fiber and will provide you with energy you need to get through your day and activities. The fiber in the granola bar will also make you feel more full so that you eat less throughout the day as well and this will result in a gradual weight loss over time.

The Durham LEA would like to thank all those involved, especially the pupils and parents for their participation and assistance in these trials.

© The Durham Local Education Authority. All rights reserved. Jan. 2004